Can we just say how super proud we are of new Coach Sue from our Old Trafford club?
Sue started with us at the beginning and didn't believe she could become a coach. It took Sue a little longer than most to get to 5k but what we saw was a lady with a good heart who was respected by members of the Old Trafford community.
We were delighted when Sue agreed to train and it wasn't an easy process thanks to Covid, with essential funding being provided by @EnglandAthletics , delays on start dates of courses and new filming requirements of sessions to qualify! Plus, all our #MileShyClub coaches go through at least 3 months of mentoring at the club which can only happen if we are able to run sessions!
But this little lady has done it. Check out her amazing feedback from England Athletics too!
Huge congratulations to Sue and watch this space for details of our new coaching graduates.
#noonegetsleftbehind #runcoach #lirf #Mentoring #dogoodfeelgood #volunteering #oldtrafford #inspiringlady #leadership #runningcommunity #runningfamily