To become a member of the running club please complete the form below. We occasionally send emails relating to club events and news but you will never receive more than two a month. We will never pass your details on to third parties.

MileShyClub Running Club Registration Form and Medical Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise, and the completion of PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your life. For most people, physical activity should not pose any problem or hazard. PAR-Q is designed to identify the small number of adults for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or those who should have medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them. Common sense is the best guide in answering these few questions. Please read them carefully and answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the questions below.

Please be aware that occasionally we take photos and videos at our sessions to promote our club and inspire new members.  If you DO NOT want to have your photo taken, please let one of the coaches know in advance of the session.  We also conduct a verbal photo consent check prior to any photos or videos being taken.