Welcome to MileShyClub Cheadle - Starting Wednesday 11th September

Session aimed at: Complete beginners wanting to complete Couch To 5K.

When: Wednesdays at 6.30pm

Meeting point: Outside Life Leisure Cheadle, Shiers Drive, SK8 1JR.

Cost: £2 a session, pay as you go, bring cash on the day!

Length of session: Usually an hour, but allow for 1 hour 15 minutes.

Session summary: We always start with a fun group warm up! Beginners complete a run/walk session (more walking than running in the initial weeks!) Our sessions include teaching points on how to run and we always complete cool down stretches afterwards. We offer optional homework to all our beginner runners and if they attend every session and complete all the homework we expect them to be completing their first 5K in nine weeks.

All runners who complete our Couch To 5K programme have the option to attend a graduation parkrun celebration with the rest of MileShyClub to celebrate their first 5K!

Before attending please complete our medical form in advance of the session HERE.