Step Into Our Beginner Walking Club!


Has the pandemic left you feeling fed up and unhealthy?

Are you struggling to go back outside into the community to meet people?

Do you have long covid or another long-term health condition and want to regain fitness levels?

We are delighted to announce our new pilot project... OUR BEGINNER WALKING CLUB... starting next month!

We've teamed up with mental health and wellbeing service Blu Sci, Voice of BME Trafford, Friends of Victoria Park, the Pakistani Resource Centre and Age UK to introduce not one, not two, but FIVE beginner walking groups into Trafford. The groups will complement our beginner running groups, with full details on the attached flyer.

This all wouldn't have been possible without the Trafford Housing Trust who are our major funder for this project, but we also extend our thanks to Trafford Council who have also part funded this project.

If you would like to join us as a beginner walker, please complete our referral form here:

One last thing. Please do share this announcement far and wide with as many people as you can. We really want to reach out to those who need us most following the pandemic because at the #MileShyClub, no one gets left behind.

#covidrecovery #gmmovinginaction #noonegetsleftbehind #walkinggroups #beginnerwalking