The #MileShyClub Return Date is...

Here it is... the announcement you've all been waiting for...

After consulting with our coaches we have decided that we will be making a return to sessions week commencing MONDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER (pop it in your diaries!).

We will be conducting a phased return, with sessions on Mon (Urmston), Tues/Thu (Sale) and Weds (Old Trafford).

This means we are holding back our sessions on Weds (Urmston) and Sunday (Sale) until we are confident everyone is COVID safe. There will be additional guidelines provided nearer the time for our runners to be aware of (which sounds rather ominous but we promise it won't be and we'll still have fun!)

To join a session, you will be required to pre-book online. Details of how to do this will be firstly emailed to our members, and then posted on our Facebook page and our website. To ensure you get onto the mailing list, complete our medical form here:

We appreciate this return might be a little later than you would have liked, however, we want to ensure that all the necessary precautions are in place and a solid coaching rota is up and running in time for September.

If you have any questions, as always drop us a line here or to our email

Stay safe and keep running everyone, and fingers crossed* we see you all in September!

*our plans assume Government guidance doesn't change before then!

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